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Gracia Final Patch Notes

Saturday 15 February, 2025 | 01:23 PM (GMT+2)
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Lineage 2 Gracia Final Patch Notes

Lineage 2 Gracia Final Patch Notes

Important Changes
Gracia Final being added as new continent
Changes to Fortresses and Castle Dungeons.
AirShips doing roundtrips to and from Gracia.
Olympiad: 3 vs 3 added
Party must consist of 3 members.
Only the Partyleader can sign for olympiad.
3 vs 3 Matches are not class based.
There are no buffs from a NPC available, resurrection skills are disabled.

Other Changes
Adena limit got raised to 99.900.000.000.
Magic damage of 2-hand mage Weapons got slightly increased.
Level 82 and 84 Lifestones drop from mobs.
The quantity of required materials to craft Dynasty Items has been lowered.

Technical Changes
Various improvement for older graphic cards and the used shaders.
Soft shaders got added to highlight different geographical spots.
The UI window elements will only be initilized if needed. This change speeds up game client loading.
The terrain view range has been increased to match with the various new flight related elements of the game.
A world NPC server now populates the world much faster after a server restart.
Water effects have been improved.

New Hunting Grounds
Hunting Grounds: Seed of Infinity and Seed of Destruction
New hunting grounds Seed of Destruction and Seed of Infinity have been added in the Gracia continent.
As the seeds of Gracia have sealed this territory, making transportation via land or sea impossible, the Gludio Airship Field has been added west of Tallking Island. Regularly scheduled airships will take you from Gludio Airship Field to Keucereus Alliance Base in Gracia.
The seeds, which were constructed in various places in the continent, are buildings of a different world. The seeds were summoned by the descendants of Shilen worshippers who had been banished to Gracia. In order to fight against them, the human race has allied with the Gracia Lord and Keucereus and formed Keucereus Alliance.

Seed of Infinity
The Seed of Infinity, ruled by Ekimus, the king of undead, has been added in the northern area of Gracia. Ekimus is one of Shilen’s subordinates who governs the dead, and is immortal.
The Seed of Infinity consists of instanced zones that are hunting grounds for level 75 and above. Enter the Seed of Infinity through Jaedin.
The seed consists of the Hall of Suffering, Hall of Erosion, and the Heart of Infinity. Each region is supposed to occupy the seed by attacking the halls and heart, or each region is supposed to defend the seed from the undead. S82 and S84 items can be acquired through quests and hunting. Attribute items can be acquired through collections when the seed is occupied.

Entry NPC: Tepios / Mouth of Ekimus
Entry Limitations: Single Party (Min. 2 and max. 9 people)
Entry Level: Level 75 - 82
Occupying/Defense type: Hunting Ground
Instant Zone Duration: 60 minutes
Entry Limitations: Once per day

Lineage2 Seed of Immortality update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Seed of Destruction
The Seed of Destruction, ruled by Tiat, the Lord of Mounted Troupe, has been added in the west region of Gracia. Tiat leads the Mounted Troupe, a powerful destructive force. Don’t be fooled by his weak appearance -- he has formed a powerful ruling system by his strong power.
The Seed of Destruction is a hunting ground for level 75 and above, and it becomes an instanced zone depending on its occupied state.
Enter the Seed of Destruction through Allenos, who is in the secret airstrip.
S82 and S84 items can be acquired through quests and hunting. Attribute items can also be acquired through collections when the Seed is occupied.

Entry NPC: Allenos
Entry Limitations: Forming an alliance channel with more than 36 people (maximum 45 people)
Entry Level: 75 - 85
Occupying/Defense type: Hunting Ground
Instanced Zone Duration: 130 minutes
Entry Limitations: Reset at 6:30 AM on Wednesday and Saturday

Lineage2 Seed of Destruction update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Hunting Grounds: Aerial Hunting Ground
There are various aerial raid monsters that can be hunted while in a flying transformed state.
Hunting is possible by receiving related quests from Keucereus Alliance outpost. Monsters located in the air do not drop items; players automatically loot any items dropped by monsters.
The yellow system message will tell you what item(s) you have received.

Category = 1 Sector
Hunting Ground Location = South of the Keucereus Alliance Base
Monsters that appear = Vulture Rider
Raid Monster = Valdstone
Raid Level = 80lv
Raid Spawn = Spawn every 1 hour (in real time)

Category = 2 Sector
Hunting Ground Location = Over the Seed of Infinity
Monsters that appear = Mutant Bird, Dra Hawk
Raid Monster = Rok
Raid Level = 83lv
Raid Spawn = Spawn when the Seed of Infinity is occupied

Category = 3 Sector
Hunting Ground Location = Over the Seed of Infinity
Monsters that appear = Floating Zombie, Floating Skull
Raid Monster = Enira
Raid Level = 83lv
Raid Spawn = Spawn only at night (in server time)

Category = 4 Sector
Hunting Ground Location = Over the Seed of Destruction
Monsters that appear = Mutated Drake Wing, Drak
Raid Monster = Dius
Raid Level = 85lv
Raid Spawn = Spawn as a special item when the Seed of Destruction is occupied

Changed Hunting Grounds
The following changes were made so that various classes can participate in the Valakas raid and fight a more strategic battle:
More stable hunting through tanking - It has been changed so that the knight (tank) classes can have a high priority in choosing an attack opponent.
New long range attack - A long range attack using a new type of range attack and a powerful debuff has been added to the healer classes.
The geographical features within the Lair of Valakas have been changed; the hill near the Lair of Valakas has been removed.

Silent Valley
Silent Valley has now been made melee friendly.
Various herbs can be obtained by hunting monsters in the corresponding area.
Monsters in this area are prone to attack the master without directly attacking pets and summons.
When monsters are hunted, the Treasure Box of the Ancient Giants and Treasure Box Guards may appear. Even though the guards are very powerful, one can easily obtain the Treasure Box if one utilizes their character; they don’t easily attack pets and summons.

Swamp of Screams
Swamp of Screams has been modified to make it easier for melee classes to hunt there.
Overall the number of monsters and monsters that were spawned have been decreased.
Monsters in this area can no longer use stun and long-range magic.
Various herbs can be obtained by hunting monsters in the corresponding area.

The quantity of items necessary to obtain the Caravan's Premium Certificate.
The number of Seltus has been slightly increased.

Special Monsters
One can occasionally meet the Fortune Bug monster, which gives a high reward at a certain rate, in the following hunting areas: Valley of Saints, Forest of Dead, and Oracle Isle.

Hot Springs Area
The duration time of the debuff related to the hot springs has been changed to 10 minutes.

Lineage2 Gracia Final update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Class & Skill Changes
New skills acquired at level 81 and above have been added:

Phoenix Knight - Skill: Summon Imperial Phoenix - Level 83 - Desc: Summons a Lesser Phoenix that aids in hunting.
Knight Classes/Sword Muse/Spectral Dancer - Skill: Deflect Magic - Level 81 - Desc: Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes.
Sword Muse - Skill: Song of Purification - Level 83 - Desc: Provides an 80% chance of removing a party member's de-buffs. And for the next 2 minutes, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 30% and decreases the power of received HP recovery magic by 30%.
Spectral Dancer - Skill: Dance of Berserker - Level 83 - Desc: Decreases a party member's P. Def., M. Def. and evasion, and increases their P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk. Spd., Casting Spd. and movement speed for 2 minutes.
Duelist/Dreadnought/Titan/Grand Khavatari/Fortune Seeker/Maestro/Doombringer - Skill: Champion's Favor - Level 81 - Desc: For 30 seconds, call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills’ power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
Grand Khavatari - Skill: Maximum Focus Force - Level 83 - Desc: Immediately increases spiritual energy to its maximum level.
Duelist - Skill: Maximum Focus Sonic - Level 83 - Desc: Immediately increases spiritual energy to its maximum level.
Adventurer/Wind Rider/Ghost Hunter - Skill: Hide - Level 81 - Desc: Invincible effect by hiding.
Adventurer/Wind Rider/Ghost Hunter - Skill: Dual Dagger Mastery - Level 81 - Desc: Attack power increases when a dual dagger weapon is used.
Sagittarius/Moon Knight Sentinel/Ghost Sentinel - Skill: Seven Arrows - Level 81 - Desc: Shoot a maximum of seven arrows continuously.
Archmage/Soultaker/Mystic Muse/Storm Screamer/Soul Hound - Skill: Enlightenment - Level 81 - Desc: Increase magic power/magic speed/magic critical rate, and decrease magic consumption MP.
Cardinal/Hierophant/Eva’s Saint/Shillien Saint/Dominator/Doomcryer - Skill: Enlightenment - Level 81 - Desc: Increase magic power/heal power/magic speed/magic critical rate, and decrease magic consumption MP. Arcana Lord - Skill: Spirit the Cat - Level 83 - Desc: Summons a cat.
Spectral Master - Skill: Spirit of the Phantom - Level 83 - Desc: Summon a phantom.
Elemental Master - Skill: Spirit of the Unicorn - Level 83 - Desc: Summon the spirit of a unicorn.
Archmage/Soultaker - Skill: Meteor - Level 81 - Desc: Range attack by dropping a meteorite.
Mystic Muse/Storm Screamer - Skill: Star Fall - Level 81 - Desc: Range attack to drop stars in the skies.
Cardinal/Hierophant/Eva’s Saint/Shillien Saint/Dominator/Doomcryer - Skill: Turn Stone - Level 81 - Desc: Turn yourself into stone to avoid damage.
Fortune Seeker - Skill: Lucky Strike - Level 83 - Desc: Spoil while using a range attack.
Doombringer - Skill: Eye for Eye - Level 83 - Desc: Short-range physical attack and reflect skill attacks.
Hierophant - Skill: Counter Critical - Level 83 - Desc: Increase defense against critical attacks and increase critical attack damage.
Dominator - Skill: Onslaught of Paagrio - Level 83 - Desc: Give damage to nearby opponents and decrease HP continuously.
Doomcryer - Skill: Great Fury - Level 83 - Desc: When of Burning Chop skill is in use, it Initiates Great Fury, which increases attack speed dramatically.
Mage Classes - Skill: Magician’s Will - Level 81 - Desc: Increase magic power/magic speed/magic critical rate, and decrease magic consumption MP.
Sagittarius/Moon Knight Sentinel/Ghost Sentinel - Skill: Silent Mind - Level 81 - Desc: Use an arrow without consuming MP.

Other New Skills
New skills can be acquired from the skill trainer NPC:
Knight Classes - Skill: Shield Deflect Magic - Level 60 - Desc: Reflect damage magic.
Warlord - Skill: Power Crush - Level 40 - Desc: Attack a single opponent using a spear.
Dreadnought - Skill: Cursed Pierce - Level 76 - Desc: Attack a single opponent using a spear.
Arch Mage/Soultaker/Mystic Muse/Storm Screamer - Skill: Sigil Mastery - Level 76 - Desc: Increase MP recovery and magic power when a sigil is equipped.
Shillien Saint/Eva’s Saint/Cardinal/Dominator - Skill: Sigil Mastery - Level 76 - Desc: Increase MP recovery and heal power when a sigil is equipped.
Arcana Lord/Elemental Master/Spectral Master - Skill: Sigil Mastery - Level 76 - Desc: Increase MP recovery and maximum MP when a sigil is equipped.
Hierophant/Doomcryer - Skill: Sigil Mastery - Level 76 - Desc: Increase MP recovery and maximum MP when a sigil is equipped.
Aurabird/Warcryer - Skill: Burning Chop - Level 40 - Desc: Give damage and decrease HP continuously.
Sagittarius/Moon Knight Sentinel/Ghost Sentinel - Skill: Detection - Level 74 - Desc: Locate enemies who use the Hide skill.
Bounty Hunter - Skill: Collector’s Experience - Level 58 - Desc: Increase shield defense and increase attack power when using a blunt weapon.
Shillien Elder - Skill: Stigma of Shillien - Level 40 - Desc: Dramatically decrease resistance against nearby weapons of enemies.
Common in Kamael faction - Skill: Soul Rage - Level 78 - Desc: Collect souls while attacking enemies.

Skills acquired by double clicking a spellbook without consuming SP:
Warcryer - Skill: Chant of Movement - Level 72 - Desc: Wind Walk + Agility Effect
Overlord - Skill: Combat of Paagrio - Level 70 - Desc: Might + Shield Effect
Overlord - Skill: Critical of Paagrio - Level 74 - Desc: Focus + Death Whispers Effect
Overlord - Skill: Condition of Paagrio - Level 72 - Desc: Blessed Body + Blessed Soul Effect

Skill Enchantment
The experience consumed for skill enchant is decreased by 1/10. Experience consumed for safe skill enchant is decreased by 1/6, and SP can be consumed the same as experience.
Attack power now increases at an absolute value when the Battle Roar skill is enchanted with additional attacks.
The quantity of absorbed HP increases when the Bleed skill is enchanted with additional life.
The experience points that the summoners take now decreases when the summon skill for summoners of Hell Knight, Maestro, and Soul Taker classes is enchanted with power. The summoners do not take the experience points anymore if the skill has been enchanted more than level 15.
The hate power increases when the Vengeance skill is enchanted with power.
The types of skills that are possible to be enchanted have been increased.
The dual skill enchant option, which can strengthen PvP power, has been added.

Changes to Existing Skills
The reuse time for skills used by players has been shortened by 25% and is not affected by attack speed and magic speed.
The reuse time of the following skills has been changed to 1.2 seconds: Blaze, Prominence, Death Spike, Aqua Swirl, Wind Strike, Twister,
Hydro Blast, Frost Bolt, Ice Dagger, Hurricane, and Curse Death Link.
The reuse time for the following skills has been changed to 4 seconds and consumed spirit ores have been increased to 10: Prophecy of Fire,

Prophecy of Water, and Prophecy of Wind
The reuse time of the following skills has been changed to 15 minutes: Ultimate Defense, Servitor Ultimate Defense, Ultimate Evasion,

Vengeance, and Shield of Faith
The reuse time of the following skills has been changed to 10 minutes: Guts, Frenzy, Decoy, Quiver of Arrows: A/S, Quiver of Bolts: A/S,

Summon Treasure Key, Summon Cursed Bones, and Summon CP Potion.
The reuse time of the Blessing of Eva skill has been changed to 30 minutes.

Effects of skills related to a decrease in the reuse time have been changed.
Quick Recovery: Reuse time buff decrease has been changed to 20%.
Song of Renewal: Reuse time decrease has been changed to 20%.
Song of Champion: Reuse time decrease has been changed to 10%.
Blessing of Sagittarius: Reuse time decrease has been changed to 20%.

The following skills have been changed so that they can be used only on party members:
Prophecy of Fire, Prophecy of Water, and Prophecy of Wind.

It has been changed so that the recovered amount of HP increases by 3 times if a superior effect occurs when Heal skill is used.
The base heal amount for Greater Heal has decreased.
The instantaneous death effect that occurs when Lethal Shot and Lethal Blow skills are used has been changed to a half instantaneous death effect.
The success rate for the following skills have been increased: Backstep, Deadly Blow, Blinding Blow, Critical Blow, and Lethal Blow.
The hate capability of the Knight class against general attacks has been strengthened, and it has been changed so that no MP is consumed when a hate skill is used.
MP is now recovered when an Orc Mage class initiates a general attack.

The reuse and duration times for the Inspector class skills have been changed.
Appetite for Destruction, Vampiric Impulse, Protection Instinct, and Magic Impulse: The reuse time has been decreased by Ѕ and the duration has been changed to 15 seconds.

The duration of Oblivion, Weak Constitution, Thin Skin, Enervation, Spite, and Mental Impoverish has been increased to 60 seconds.
The duration of Soul Harmony has increased to 15 seconds.
The defense power of the Kamael class has been strengthened: the probability of being hit by a critical attack has decreased and the critical damage inflicted by enemies has decreased.
The Improved skills (such as Improved Movement, Improved Condition, etc.) are now cancelled when the following skills are used: Warrior Bain, Mage Bain, Mass Warrior Bain, Mass Mage Bain, Block Wind Walk, Block Shield, Mass Block Wind Walk, and Mass Block Shield.
Clan skills used by Overlords can now be applied to party members.
The power of the Insane Crusher Skill has increased and Touch of Death-like effects have also been added to the skill.
It has been changed so that the highest threat value can be obtained when Hate and Hate Aura skills are used. The success rate of changing a target when PvPing has been increased to 100%.
An effect that decreases resistance against close-range weapons has been added to the Tribunal and Judgement skills.
Touch of Shilen has been changed to Spirit of Shilen, and its skill effect has been changed to a buff.
The Touch of Death skill has been changed. A player's HP no longer has to be at 75% or lower to cast. In addition, the HP cost has been lowered while the success rate has been increased.
The threat level value given to monsters when the following skills are used has been decreased: Major Heal, Major Group Heal, Greater Heal, Greater Battle Heal, and Greater Group Heal.
The level at which the following skills have been changed from level 81 to level 82: Protection of Rune, Protection of Elemental, and Protection of Alignment.

Classes that can acquire the following skills have been added:
Sixth Sense: Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva’s Templar, Shillien Templar, Trickster, and Soul Hound.
Expose Weak Point: Duelist, Dreadnought, Titan, Grand Khavatari, Fortune Seeker, Maestro, Soul Hound, and Doombringer.

The power of Inquisitor attack skill has been changed.
In PvP combat, the power of Divine Flash and Divine Punishment skills have been decreased by 60%. (In PvE situations, the power of skills is the same as before.)
The defense attribute of summoners can now be applied to servitors. The defense attribute is applied to both summoners and servitors at a 100% rate. The attack attribute is applied to summoners at 20 % and servitors at 80%, the same as before.

The skills acquired by Warder classes have been changed to:
The reuse time of Warp has been decreased.
A Warder acquires the first level of Furious Soul skill at level 24.
A Warder acquires the first level of Ultimate Escape skill at level 36.
Arbalester acquires the second level of Ultimate Escape skill at level 52.

The Sublime Self-Sacrifice skill has changed to as follows:
The effect is applied to party members excluding oneself, and an effect that recovers all HP/MP/CP has been added.
The reuse time has been changed to one hour.

The Lightning Strike skill has been changed as follows:
It has been changed so that casting speed, attack speed and physical speed are reduced for 15 seconds, after which time the player is paralyzed for an additional 10 seconds.

The effect of the increased range of a crossbow by the Increase Range skill has been changed.
Existing: 1st stage 150 increase, 2nd stage 300 increase
Change: 1st stage 200 increase, 2nd stage 400 increase

Eye of Paagrio now increases accuracy and decreases the rate for being hit by a critical skill.
Soul of Paagrio now increases magic power and magic resistance.
It has been changed so that the combining skill acquired at level 80 can be used without receiving power from the Battle Stance and Spell Stance.
Previously acquired Battle Stance and Spell Stance skills have been deleted and were returned as consumed SP. The basis for the amount of SP that will be returned is the required amount SP per class right before Gracia Final update.
The reuse time for the Miracle skill has been changed to one hour.
The reuse time for the Purification Field skill has been changed to 30 minutes.
It has been changed so that invincible skill effects will be cancelled if one attacks or uses a skill while the invincible skill is active.
The invincible effect on generating types has not been cancelled. It has been changed so that no invincible after effect applies after using the invincible skill.
Talisman has been changed to an effect that greatly increases physical defense power and magic resistance power.
The Hamstring skill has been changed to a physical skill and the magic casting time has been decreased.
The casting time for the Horror skill has been decreased and the success rate has increased.
It has been changed so that the effect of Lord of Vampire does not overlap with vampiric buff types.
The additional affect of decreasing the resistance to polearm weapons has been added to the Provoke skill.
The effects of the Vampiric Mist skill have been changed. In addition to absorbing some HP of nearby enemies, this skill now has a chance to debuff your enemies.
It has been changed so that one moves to the rear of their targetted enemy when the Shadow Step skill is used.
The level at which one can acquire the Throne Root skill has been lowered to level 80, and it was changed so that the skill can be acquired by a skill trainer.
The duration for the Golem Armor skill has changed to five minutes and the reuse time has changed to one hour. The power of the skill has increased as well.
Three kinds of new skills have been added to Dark Panther, the servitor of Dark Avenger: Panther Fatal Claw, Panther Dark Claw, and Panther Cancel.
The casting time for the Remedy skill has been decreased.
The Focus Attack skill has changed from a buff type to a toggle.
The hate power of the Decoy skill has increased.
It has been changed so that motions of a character do not stop when a toggle skill is used.
Tool tips have changed so that one can find out about skill effects in detail.
Effects and sounds for a portion of skills have been changed.

Effects of the following skills have been changed:
Prophecy of Fire - For five minutes, receive help from a great spirit to increase your party member's Max MP by 20%, HP recovery bonus by 20%, the rate of Prominent Damage occurring through damage magic by 2, the power of critical attacks by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buffs by 10%. Decreases moving speed by 20%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
Prophecy of Water - For five minutes, receive help from a great spirit to increase the rate of Prominent Damage occurring through a party member's damage magic by 2, MP recovery bonus by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buffs by 10%. Decreases moving speed by 20% and MP consumption for skill use by 5%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
Prophecy of Wind - For five minutes, receive help from a great spirit to increase a party member's Max HP by 20%, rate of critical attack by 20%, rate of Prominent Damage through damage magic by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buff by 10%. Decreases moving speed by 20%. Bestows the ability to recover as HP 5% of the standard short-range physical damage inflicted on the enemy. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
Chant of Victory - Recovers all party members' HP by 20%, and For five minutes, receive help from a great spirit to increase Max HP by 20%, the rate of Prominent Damage occurring through damage magic by 2, the rate of critical attack by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, resistance to de-buffs by 10%, and accuracy by 4. Decreases moving speed by 20%. Consumes 40 Spirit Ore.
Chant of Paagrio - Maximum CP/maximum MP/physical critical rate/magic critical damage/physical attack power/attack speed/magic power/magic resistance/magic speed/debuff resistance increase, moving speed decreases, and CP recovery effect. Divinte Enchanter Hero Spirit Maximum HP/magic critical rate/physical critical damage/phyiscal attack power/defense power/attack speed/magic power/magic resistance/magic speed/debuff resistance increase, moving speed decreases.

Battle Systems
In PvP situations, evasion has been improved. A higher Evasion rate will result in avoiding more hits during PvP. However, the damage received when a hit lands (under these conditions) has been slightly increased.
In PvP situations, magic critical damage has been decreased.
PvP situations include:
1. When a PC battles with a PC
2. When a servitor or pet, which was summoned by a PC, battles with another player, pet or servitor.
3. When PC battles with a player in a transformed state

Grade Penalty
A penalty effect increases proportionally to the grade level difference when one wears a weapon of higher level than one’s own grade.
For example, if a level 20 character wears a C Grade weapon, they will receive a first stage penalty; if a level 20 character wears a B Grade weapon, they will receive a second stage penalty.

Penalty Effects
Stage 1: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 10%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
Stage 2: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 20%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
Stage 3: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 30%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
Stage 4: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 40%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.

When the grade difference is more than four levels, the same penalty as the fourth stage is applied.

Clan Changes
Clan Airships
Exclusive clan airships, which can be used only within the Gracia lands, have been added. Only characters with clan level 5 and above are able to use it.
An Airship Summon License needs to be issued from Engineer Lekon in the Keucereus Alliance Base in order to summon a clan airship (10 energy star stones are needed).
Five energy star stones are needed in order to summon the clan airship, and fuel is consumed when the airship is operating. The fuel is filled up by onboard players.
Any players can be aboard the clan airship (not exclusive to clan members or alliances).
The airship switches to an airship control mode if the control key for the airship is clicked. Thus, the airship can be easily moved through mouse clicks. In case of a keyboard control, the moving method is the same as the flying transformation object (E for going up and Q for going down).

Lineage2 Clan Airship update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Belts that can be acquired through territory battles have been added.

The Ancient Cloak, Knight’s Cloak, and Holy Spirit’s Cloak, which can be worn at level 80 and 84, have been added.
Ancient Cloak - Acquired through quests related to territory battles. Exchanging, dropping, enchanting, attributes, and smelting are not possible.
Knight's Cloak - Only upper classes within a clan (above Knight Commander) can wear it. This cloak can be purchased through a chamberlain within a castle. Exchanging, dropping, enchanting, attributes, and smelting are not possible.
Holy Spirit's Cloak - Obtained from Frintezza, Antharas, Valakas, Beleth, and a boss of the Seed of Destruction. Exchanging and dropping are possible, but enchanting, attributes, and smelting are not.

The seal on cloaks can be broken through NPC weavers stationed in Aden and Rune.
Class-specific cloaks have been added.
Kamael Faction: Cloak exclusive to Kamael
Shield/Force/Weapon/Bard Master classes, excluding Kamael: Cloak exclusively for heavy armor
Dagger/Bow Master classes, excluding Kamael: Cloak exclusively for light armor
Healer/Enchant/Wizard/Summoner classes, excluding Kamael: Cloak exclusively for robes

Lineage2 Cloaks update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Sigils that can be worn instead of a shield for wizards, healers, summoners, and enchant classes have been added.
The effects, which vary by class, are as follows:
Wizard classes: MP recovery + Magic Power increase
Healer classes: MP recovery + Heal increase
Summoner classes: MP recovery + maximum MP increase
Enchanter classes: MP recovery + maximum MP increase (the Enchanter designation refers to buffer-type classes such as Prophet)

Sigils can be enchanted but attributes cannot be endowed on them.
Sigils are only designed for S Grade armors and higher. The 3 sigils currently in game are: Arcana Sigil, Dynasty Sigil and Vesper Sigil. Arcana and Dynasty Sigils are craftable. The Vesper Sigil is drop only.
Sigils can be obtained through manufacturing, and a rare type of sigil has also been added.

New Vesper weapons and armors for characters with above level 84 have been added.
If one defeats a boss monster either for the Seed of Destruction or the Seed of Infinity, one can acquire the corresponding item at a 100% probability.
The seal on a S84 item can be broken through Maestro Ishuma, located in the Gludio Airship Field, and the Blacksmith of Mammon. The item can be upgraded to a higher armor than S84. Ishuma only breaks the seal on items above S80.
Vesper armor can be upgraded to Vesper Noble armor using the Vesper Noble Enhance Stone. Vesper Noble armor gives additional stat increases and allows for the use of a cloak.
Stones are obtained by:
- Hunting monsters at the hunting ground in the Seed of Destruction.
- Completing a quest at the hunting ground in the Seed of Infinity.

Lineage2 Vesper update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Lineage2 Vesper Sigil update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Attribute Crystals
Due to the addition of attribute crystals, the maximum attribute values that can be endowed to weapons and armors have been increased as follows:
Weapon: 150 - 300
Armor: 300 - 600

The maximum attribute values which can be endowed using existing attribute stones (such as Fire Stone, Earth Stone, Water Stone, etc.) have not changed. Weapon attributes go up to 150, and armor attributes up to 300.
Attribute crystals will allow the user to increase their existing attributed items. With an attribute crystal, weapons can be increased from 150 to 300 and armor can be increased from 300 to 600.
Attribute stones and crystals enhance for the same amount. On weapons, each stone/crystal gives a 5 point bonus. On armor, each stone/crystal gives a 6 point bonus.
Attribute crystals can be crafted by using items obtained through collection as ingredients.

Icarus (S84) Weapons and Armor
Recipes for Icarus weapons and armor and the major ingredients for Icarus weapons can be purchased through Kutran, the Special Products Broker, located in Keucereus Alliance outpost. These are purchased with the new quest reward items from the Seed of Destruction and Seed of Infinity.
Armor Set Effects
When one wears superior upper body armor and pairs it with other masterwork pieces from the same set, the character will receive both the superior set item bonuses as well as the individual masterwork bonuses.
Masterwork tops are an exception to the above rule. Because each masterwork top possesses its own specialized set of bonuses, pairing mixtures of masterwork and superior items with a masterwork top will not give you the superior set bonuses associated with that set.
It has been changed so that a rare type upper armor is not manufactured during item creation.
Existing masterwork upper body pieces can be exchanged for any other masterwork piece within the same set. Or it can be exchanged for its superior equivalent (example: a Masterwork Dynasty Breastplate can be exchanged for a superior Dynasty Breastplate or a set of Masterwork Dynasty Boots). All this is done through the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Lineage2 Vesper Armors update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Lineage2 Vesper Armors update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Lineage2 Vesper Armors update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Manufacturing Designs
Supplies for aurabird transformations, clan airships, and attribute crystal designs can be purchased through NPC Tolonis, located in the Keucereus Alliance Base.
Design items are registered to your General Recipe Book (Common Craft).

Miscellaneous Item Changes
The maximum limit for adena that one can possess has been increased from approximately 210 million to 9.99 billion.
The magic attack power for the two-handed magic weapons has been slightly increased.
Icarus weapons and Vesper weapons and armor can be exchanged to antipersonnel.
One can obtain level 82/84 life stones (used for augmenting) that can be smelted through monster hunting.
The quantities of items necessary for manufacturing dynasty have been decreased drastically.
The quantities of dynasty ingredients that can be obtained by fragments of evil seeds and the old book of evil have been increased.

It has been changed that general weapons instead of D-B Grade basic weapons drop in the following hunting grounds:
D/C grade general weapons: all hunting grounds where existing D/C grade basic weapons dropped.
B/A grade general weapons: existing hunting grounds where B/A grade basic weapons dropped, party-type dungeons, Hellbound, and new hunting grounds.

Items dropped by monsters can disappear after 10 minutes on a server. Items dropped by players will not disappear after time passes.

Values for physical and magic attack power of the following weapons have been readjusted:
Dynasty Dual Sword: Physical/magic attack power increase
Icarus Shooter: Physical attack power increases

The item list of a merchant who sells rare items has been changed. System prices and crystal counts for Dynasty and Icarus items have been decreased drastically.
Tooltips have been added to include class descriptions on Dynasty upper armor.

The conditions to equip Dynasty Leather Mail have been changed:
Existing: Only Kamael can wear
Change: All weapon master classes can wear regardless of factions.

The magic resistance of the Dynasty necklace and earrings has been readjusted.

The quantities of Mammon’s Polishing Enhancer that are consumed in case of repairing chaotic rare type items (above Dynasty) have been increased drastically.
Dynasty Weapon: 7 - 12
Icarus Weapon: 7 - 14
Dynasty Armor: 4 - 7

Maestro Ishuma, who has a similar function as the Blacksmith of Mammon regarding items above Dynasty, has been added in the Gludio Airship Field. The service fee is paid by adena.
It is no longer possible to purchase spellbooks through a spellbook seller NPC anymore; some NPCs which only sell spellbooks no longer appear in the world.
Problems with rare type and PvP options for some weapons has been corrected.

Inventory Information
A new 3D avatar has been added to the inventory window. The new avatar window will only display currently equipped items.

Status Information
The equipment status window has been re-designed. One can easily confirm a character’s appearance change depending on the type of equipment that the character puts on.

Mini Map Information
The mini-map now shows both Aden and Gracia continents. These sections are tabbed for easier use.

Quest Information
The quest window has been updated with tabs for easier use. Quests are now categorized according to the following types: Single, Repeat, Epic, Transfer and Special.

It is now possible to inactivate the function that automatically changes the camera view when clicking the right button on the mouse. This can prevent accidentally clicking the right button and changing the camera.
Players can disable the function of the right mouse click by going to Options | Audtio/System | Control/Security and removing the checkmark from "Disable right mouse click function."

Party Decline Option
A function that can reject a party invitation automatically has been added. Use the following steps: Options -> Game -> Game System Menu -> Party Request Decline

Chat Channel Set
A function that assigns the current chat tab as your favorite has been added. Set up the channel to be assigned in the chat window options.

Other Changes
Aerial Collections
Star stones can be collected through the collection skill on the Gracia continent.
Learn the Star Stone Gathering skill from the expert text received as a reward from Engineer Lekon in Keucereus Alliance outpost for completing the Let’s Try an Aerial Collection quest.
Players can learn the Star Stone Gathering skill through Tolonis at the Keucereus Alliance Base once the Expert Text has been earned.
It is possible to fail in Star Stone Collecting.
Extracted Star Stones can be converted into the following items through either the Emery Converter located inside the Aerial Cleft arena or by Common Craft.

Star stone extraction stones obtained by a collection can be converted into the following items through the Emery Converter, which is obtained by manufacturing or inside of the Aerial Cleft arena:
Supplies exclusive to aerial transformation objects
Fuel needed for airship summons and its operation
Attribute Crystals

Ground Collections
Energy Compression Stones can be collected using the Collection Agathion Summon Bracelet inside of the Seed of Destruction and Seed of Infinity.
The Collection Agathion Summon Bracelet can be acquired through Tolonis in the Keucereus Alliance Base.
It is possible for these collection attempts to fail.
Common Craft manufacture can be used to create Attribute Crystals. This process requires obtaining the designs for the type of crystal being made. Star stones are a key ingredient in this process.

Fantasy Island
The Gracia Final expansion brought a new game to Fantasy Island called Handy's Block Checker. Handy's Block Checker, a mini-game that can be experienced only in Fantasy Isle, has been added.

Lineage2 Fantasy Island update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

Lineage2 Fantasy Island update on Lineage 2 Gracia Final private server

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