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Olympiad & Heroes stats

Friday 13 December, 2024 | 03:47 AM (GMT+2)
 GF 20x    Orfen 5x    Istina 50x    Freya 15x

Olympiad stats

Only Noblesse who have completed the third class transfer can participate in the Olympiad competition.

Competition Method
The Olympiad is classified into two competitions: the class competition and the non-class competition. There are no class restrictions for participating in non-class competitions. Hours of competition are 6:00 PM (GMT+2) to 12:00 AM (GMT+2).

Determining the Hero
The Hero is selected according to Olympiad points, and the Hero retains the title throughout the duration of the next 2 weeks competition. The Hero will be the individual who has accumulated the most Olympiad points according to their main class, has competed more than 9 times in that period, and claimed at least 1 victory.
The Hero is determined on the first day of every 2 weeks.

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